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Intelligent Governance for AI.

Navigate the complexities of AI in quantum and classical computing.

Is your risk management ready for the AI quantum era?

Intelligent Governance provides a comprehensive overview of AI risk management and offers strategies for mitigating risks associated with AI. We hope that this book will serve as a valuable resource for readers looking to navigate the complex world of AI risk management.

Key topics from the book include:

Developing an AI risk management framework

The book provides a framework for developing a risk management strategy for the organizations. It looks into the current and future states of AI.

Implementing model governance policies

The book provides feedback from researchers and industry leaders to get their perspective and discusses model governance strategy.

Prevention strategies against adversarial attacks

The book delves into tactical areas of prevention strategies from adversarial attacks. It goes into detail on educating on types of attacks and remediation mechanisms.

What do our selected contributors think?

Reena Dayal


Sanjay Joshi


Nardo Manaloto


For AI practitioners, risk management professionals, policymakers, and anyone interested in the future of AI governance.

Download free chapter excerpt:

"Chapter 1: AI Risk Management Framework (excerpt)"

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Your valuable perspectives will contribute to a better understanding of the complex issues surrounding AI technology development and implementation. Share your expertise today and help shape the future of AI governance.

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